Let me know if this sounds familiar...
Has a doctor ever told you that hormonal symptoms like mood swings, painful periods, anxiety and irregular/painful/heavy periods are "normal" or an inevitable part of being a woman?
Have you been lead to believe that hormonal birth control or medication is "the only answer" for acne, irregular/painful periods, PCOS or endometriosis?
Have you been told that painful periods just "run in your family?"
Have you been given a hormone blood test that comes back with "normal" levels even though you KNOW your symptoms are hormonal?
Women are rarely educated by their doctors about how their hormones or their cycles work....or they are given a "one size fits all" approach and a standard blood test...without any mention of
natural approaches to rebalance hormones!
Ya girl has dealt with painful + heavy periods and acne since I was 11 years old 😭 When I was 18 and finally living on my own, I went to the doctor to see if there was anything I could do to make my symptoms less severe. She told me that all of this is pretty normal for someone my age, but prescribed the pill for my periods and spironolactone for my acne and said let's see if this helps. Little did I know, this was the start of a very long road to healing my hormones.
I was put on 5 different birth control pills (that's right, 5) - each one with a different side effect making my issues much worse.
The first made me gain 20 pounds in 2 months. The second made me a raging B*TCH. The third one gave me terrible migraines. The fourth one made me break out EVERYWHERE. And the last one sent me into a 6-month long depression, which was so bad that I couldn't even get out of bed most days.
It wasn't until I took matters into my own hands and did my own research that things got better. I found a form of non-hormonal birth control that worked for me, focused on healing my hormone and gut issues from the inside out and basically did a complete 180 with my lifestyle. IT WAS A DAMN JOURNEY 😅
So trust me when I say that you're not alone and I GET IT!
If you feel like you're doing everything right regarding your health and fitness, but you're still dealing with a laundry list of issues (like brain fog, trouble losing weight, period issues, acne, etc), you most likely have some sort of hormonal imbalance... and it's time to get to the bottom of it!
Not sure if your hormones are out of whack? Take the free hormone health quiz below to find out ✨
Do you currently struggle with...
Your symptoms are your body's way of saying "something is up!" and we are going to get to the bottom of WHY! Ready to get the answers you've been looking for?! Tally up your scores, submit your quiz answers and you will be sent over your results within 24 hours.
If you're looking at your list and you're wondering "ok, this is a LONG list of symptoms... WHAT NOW?!"... well I got you girl 😉
This is why I've made it my mission to help women like YOU heal their gut + hormone issues *naturally* through lifestyle changes 🙌🏼
With my proven methods, my clients are experiencing:
✨More energy
✨Less severe periods/ more consistent
✨Improved digestion
✨Decreased inflammation
✨Clearer skin
✨Better sleep
... AND achieving their fat loss goals (which seemed impossible to them before 😉)